The prestigious Oceans Conference and Exhibition is coming to Aberdeen, Scotland on 18-21 June 2007. This major international conference is run under the auspices of the Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and its parent organisation The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Oceans has a long-established history and global pedigree and is regarded equally favourably by industrialists and academics alike. It is intended to promote and disseminate knowledge, understanding and awareness amongst engineers and scientists in Marine Technology, Oceans Science and Oceanic Engineering. Its remit is to bring the major players in the field together with the up-and-coming young scientists and students in a forum of easy interaction and interchange of knowledge and experience in order to enhance our appreciation of the role the Oceans play in our lives and environment and how to utilise the technology to achieve this.
Since June 2005, IEEE/OES is now offering two Oceans conferences every year: one in North America and the other alternating between Europe (in odd years) and Asia/Pacific (in even years). The Aberdeen event will be the FIRST time Oceans has come to the United Kingdom.
The programme includes plenary and keynote speakers addressing the challenges facing Ocean Engineering.
An exciting social programme with a distincly Scottish flavour includes a banquet at the picturesque and historic Fyvie Castle.