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Plenary and Keynote Speakers


The opening plenary session will be co-chaired by Prof C Duncan Rice of the University of Aberdeen and Sir Ian Wood of The Wood Group.

Tuesday 19th June 2007

Welcome Addresses: 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Welcome from Oceans07 Aberdeen - Prof. John Watson, Executive Chair, Oceans07 Aberdeen
Welcome from the City of Aberdeen – The Lord Provost of Aberdeen
Welcome from the University of Aberdeen – Prof. C Duncan Rice, Principal and Vice-Chancellor
Developments in the Oil and Gas Industry in the UK – Sir Ian Wood, Chairman of The Wood Group
Welcome from IEEE/OES – Mr. James Barbera, President of OES

Plenary Addresses: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



Marine Policy Drivers from a Scottish Perspective

The Minister for the Environment and Rural Development, The Scottish Executive


Scientific and Technical Challenges for Oceans Defence

Rear Admiral Neil Latham RN, Commandant, Defence College of Management and Technology


The European Community's RTD Strategy to Address Marine Challenges

Ms Manuela Soares Director of Environment Directorate, Research Directorate-General, European Commission.


Wednesday 20th June 2007

Parallel Keynote Addresses: 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm


Challenges in Marine Science and Technology

Prof Robin Cook, Director, FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen (Hosted by Aberdeen City Council)


Challenges in Oceans and Climate Science

Dr John Gunn, Director, Wealth from Oceans Flagship, CSIRO, Australia


Challenges in Deep Water Technology

Mr David Pridden, Director Subsea UK, Aberdeen (Hosted by Subsea UK)

Thursday 21st June 2007
Parallel Keynote Addresses: 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm


Challenges in Ocean Exploration 

Capt Craig McLean, Deputy Science Director, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, NOAA, USA (Hosted by Fugro)


Challenges facing Operational Oceanography

Dr Mike Bell, Head of UK National Centre for Ocean Forecasting, Exeter


Challenges for Ocean Governance

Ms Kristina M Gjerde JD, High Seas Policy Advisor, Global Marine Program, IUCN - International Union for Conservation, Switzerland



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Site Last Updated April 17, 2007. Site developed and hosted by Veraprise Incorporated